Recording Time: Format

A quick question regarding the format in Formhub/ODK Collect.

In my survey I ask the user the opening and closing hours of his/her business, using the label. In ODK Collect this defaults to the current time. It becomes too time-consuming to scroll through the minutes to, say, XX:30 or XX:00. My question is this: is there a way to program the label to default to 00:00, with the minutes jumping 30 (i.e. 00:00 > 00:30 > 01:00 ...)?

On a similar note, is there a way to input two times into one question (i.e. opening and closing times) as opposed to individual inputs?

I'll be posting this to the Formhub Google Group as well.

Thanks in advance.



Use a select one with a "minimal" attribute (one for hours that
increments by 1, one for minutes that increments by 30). Do that twice
in a group and you'll have opening and closing times that do what you


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On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 10:42 AM, wrote:

A quick question regarding the format in Formhub/ODK Collect.

In my survey I ask the user the opening and closing hours of his/her business, using the label. In ODK Collect this defaults to the current time. It becomes too time-consuming to scroll through the minutes to, say, XX:30 or XX:00. My question is this: is there a way to program the label to default to 00:00, with the minutes jumping 30 (i.e. 00:00 > 00:30 > 01:00 ...)?

On a similar note, is there a way to input two times into one question (i.e. opening and closing times) as opposed to individual inputs?

I'll be posting this to the Formhub Google Group as well.

Thanks in advance.




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