Dear All,
I am trying to create a Power BI dashboard with the OData feed from Central.
It is looking promising, but I ran into Repeat groups not getting imported in the "Submissions" table.
The repeat groups appear when first loading the OData as below:
However, when the table is loaded, the repeat groups are not there:
This is similar to the issue that Florian encountered and described on :
Unfortunately, I am not sure how his solution (on the same link above):
"Found it: Metadata > DataServices > Schema > two EntityType, one with attribute "Submissions", one with "Submissions.taxon_encounter" - those work as postfixes for the .svc URL."
applies to Power BI.
2. What app or server are you using and on what device and operating system? Include version numbers.
client (v1.1.2)
server (v1.1.1)
3. What you have you tried to fix the problem?
I have tried to Transform data using Power query within Power BI, but that is just trial and error, as I have little experience in this area.
I also tried to glean from what Yanokwa wrote here:
but with no success
4. What steps can we take to reproduce the problem?
Attempt to import data into Power BI via the OData feed and observe how repeat groups are handled
Any insights or pertinent links are appreciated in advance.