Select_one_from_file and multi langauages

Hello All,

I have searched the forum and have not seen anything new or recent on this, is the multi-lingual option for select one from a csv still not supported?



Hi @Rusti,

I understand what you are looking for. You want the "select one" from a CSV option to automatically show the English version when the form is in English, and the French version when the form is in French.

Currently, ODK forms don't support a multi-lingual option for "select one" from a CSV. It would be a great feature to have, and hopefully, it will be implemented in the future.

Form language
Building selects from CSV files

Thanks Joseph, so the only work around at the moment is to create all the lookups in the choices sheets and update the form each time a new language is added?

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Yes, that's correct. The current workaround is to create all the lookups directly in the choices sheet of the form and update it whenever a new language is added.

Thanks for the confirmation, it would be great if this feature could be included in the select_one_from_file in the future as it will streamline deployment across different project areas.

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