Skip logic in the option answer Choice sheet

I m designing a survey i m facing a problem
in the survey sheet i put a type text and under it the select one question and the answer option are in the choices list. Iwant to make a skip logic in the answer options means i need only specific option will appear if they entred a specific text for example some choice will not appear only if entered ws

How do i do that? I added a relevant columnin the choice sheet i entred my condiction does not work

Any idea how to make skip logic if the previous answer is a text?

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Can you please share your XLSForm file?

Welcome, @Roua_ghali!

I think what you might be looking for is a choice filter which lets you filter choices in a select based on a condition. Hopefully the documentation gives you some good ideas but if not, as @danbjoseph says, seeing what you have so far would really help.