Tutorial on how to use Central

Could someone please tell me where I can find a tutorial to use the central ODK, locally on my computer, installation and manipulation of the received data, how I receive the data, how to manipulate the data, is it possible to integrate the central ODK with a web server?
If anyone can answer all the questions I would be immensely grateful.

Hie @BrunoAngelo,

I have not seen any clear tutorial for the installation of ODK central and creation of forms. The ODK documentation is very clear and it provide step by step on how to do it . Yes you can install ODK central on your local machine and i am not sure you will be able to send data vie mobile android. Odk has already have its own web server and i am not sure when you say web server your are referring to an external server or ...


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Agreed that the docs (start at https://docs.getodk.org/getting-started) is the best way to get started. https://docs.getodk.org/training might also be of some help.