Use information in a previous repeat cycle in a later question as multiple_select options

Hi guys,

Been a bit stuck with this issue. Is it possible to use information in a
previous repeat cycle in a later question as a multiple_select options. For
example i got different house hold names repeated and i want to ask at some
point for the enumerator to select which of the households meet certain
criteria. I've roughly constructed my XLSForm this way.

ask the question with?

type name
select_multiple hh_names multiple_select Is any of
these HH part of the team?

Doing something like this on calculate in the repeat.

names calculate
hh_id selected-at(${multiple_select}, position(..)-1)
hh_name jr:choice-name(${hh_id}, '${multiple_select}')

In choices sheet.
list name names label
hh_names ${hh_1_id} ${hh_1_name}
hh_names ${hh_2_id} ${hh_2_name}

I'm continuously getting "type mismatch, this field is repeated" hh_name
Error when i go past the multiple_select questions in second loop.

Any thing i'm doing wrong?
