User authentication in ODK collect

Hi, I want to include ODK support for OpenXdata.
Our users require user authentication, how does ODK collect send the
username and password?
The prebuilt demo application have input for username and password,
but it seems like it is disabled, how can I enable it?



the user/pass section of collect is disabled because there is no code
in there. we are waiting for the aggregate implementation of openrosa
security before we do any of that. that said, it's pretty easy to
change that activity to enable that widget and use those values when
you send the data...


ยทยทยท On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 07:14, Jonny Heggheim wrote: > Hi, I want to include ODK support for OpenXdata. > Our users require user authentication, how does ODK collect send the > username and password? > The prebuilt demo application have input for username and password, > but it seems like it is disabled, how can I enable it? > > > Jonny