Validate on select?

I'm building an audience survey, kiosk style, for which we'd really like people to be able to choose their response (1-10 -- this could be likert or compact or quickcompact in appearance) and have that save and refresh without their needing to press 'submit' or 'validate' in Enketo.

Is this possible?

Not possible out of the box, but with a bit of coding.

This discussion is somewhat relevant:!topic/enketo-users/tCZFnJ0zgxM

ยทยทยท On Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 10:10:35 PM UTC-7, wrote: > I'm building an audience survey, kiosk style, for which we'd really like people to be able to choose their response (1-10 -- this could be likert or compact or quickcompact in appearance) and have that save and refresh without their needing to press 'submit' or 'validate' in Enketo. > > Is this possible?