WARNING: Re-construction of GitHub Repositories in progress

Jonathan Jackson discovered that the import process had broken history
links, causing git-blame to incorrectly abbreviate its change reporting.

As a result, we are in the process of re-constructing all the GitHub

As we complete the re-construction, we will add repositories with "-fixed"
at the end (e.g., collect-fixed). These will contain the corrected import.

Once we have done that, we will send an e-mail to this list and change all
prior import names to "-bad" (e.g., collect-bad) and rename all "-fixed"
back to their actual repository names (e.g., "collect").

I had naively used https://import.github.com/new to create the original

Once we are done, you will need to rebase your clones to the new tree.

We will delete the "-bad" repositories after a few weeks or so.

ยทยทยท -- Mitch Sundt Software Engineer University of Washington mitchellsundt@gmail.com