What is the OData endpoint to get client audit json

Context: OData endpoint provides the data from the submissions and those endpoints are provided here https://docs.getodk.org/central-api-odata-endpoints. You can get the JSON of the submission CSV using this endpoint.

When the audit is enabled, it collects data for

    • instance ID
    • event
    • node
    • start
    • end
    • latitude
    • longitude
    • accuracy
    • old-value
    • new-value

However, there is API endpoint where i can get the JSON through API.

The fields being generated like this (as example) for download:
Main data file: Audit-test-v2.csv
Audit file: Audit-test-v2 - audit. csv (yes, with spaces)

Ask: Is there any existing OData endpoint to get the audit json that is not mentioned in the documentation? Is not can it be provided in the ODK Central's upcoming release?

There isn't currently an OData endpoint for the combined client audit log. This is something we've considered doing but haven't yet acted on because we hadn't previously received an explicit request for it and because we need to design a reasonable want to give each log line a unique ID which is an OData requirement.

Can you please say a little bit more about what you're hoping to do? I imagine you want to have some analysis that can update as new submissions come in? For that need, I think an endpoint that lets you get the combined CSV -- the file with - audit.csv suffix that is downloaded with the zip -- would likely satisfy the need.

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Hi @LN
Thank you for your reply. Some ODK users aim to check the individual data submission's audit log—primarily triangulate the data point with the location coordinate on a map in a dashboard. I am able to create a basic data submission dashboard (screenshot below) without the audit part.

Thank you