What to do after deleting ODK Build, what other tool can I use for my forms

What resources can you use after deleting the ODK build, I use the book edit a lot, but with the end of the ODK build I don't know where I will make my forms using the bulk edit and the cascade form

Try our new XLSForm template and XLSForm tutorial for building forms.

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I'm finding it quite difficult, I activate Allow_choices_duplicates but as soon as I activate it I lose the functioning of my cascade, my form that works correctly using biuld, does not work using XLSForm if anyone can help me

Hi @magnororiz

Are you at liberty to share your form? If not possible to share the whole form, just share the section with the error

Where can I be sharing the form with you?

Hi @magnororiz

Simply post in this conversation by tapping the upload icon, similar to how you share a question, and include a file attachment.