XLSForm Offline and ODK Aggregate VM are now free

Hi all,

I'm happy to announce that Nafundi's XLSForm Offline and ODK Aggregate
VM are now free!

This is an unconventional way to price software, but Nafundi has
always been an unconventional company. And while we've set suggested
prices that ensure we can continue to add features and provide
support, you can now pay whatever you'd like for XLSForm Offline and
ODK Aggregate.

We hope that with this model, those who can pay continue to do so. And
for those who cannot, we hope this makes your data collection
campaigns a little easier!

Get started by downloading using the links below.

XLSForm Offline: The simplest offline form designer for ODK

ODK Aggregate VM: The easiest way to install an ODK server



ยทยทยท -- Need ODK services? http://nafundi.com provides form design, server setup, professional support, and software development for ODK.