XLSForm preview timeout

Whatever for I try to preview after conversion on https://getodk.org/xlsform/ it gives the 504 error


Thanks for reporting this, @aurdipas.

We purposefully run the code from Enketo master on that machine so we can catch problems before they ship across the ecosystem. The downside is that, well, we catch problems.

I'm not sure what went wrong this time, but the CPU was pegged at 100%. A restart of Enketo got everything back and running.

To improve things for next time, here's what we'll be doing.

  • Turn on alerts on enketo.getodk.org so we know more quickly when it's down.
  • Ask for @martijnr to see if there is anything obvious in the logs. My guess is that some enormous form conversions lock up the system.
  • Report back on this topic on code or infrastructure changes, if any, we'll be making.

Martijn says "sending dozens of requests for a huge form (transformation) would be queued up to explain this". I'll keep any eye out for this issue happening again and I'll restart Enketo more quickly this time.

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