Xlsx - ODK Collect

Hello dear ODK Forum community,

I have to questions, hope there will be good answers,

1- One of my questionnaire's question is select-multi, each selection has a group (list-field) of questios, is there is a way to save the answers for each question in the selected choise (group) even the researcher uncheck the chios and save partaly or finally the questionnare. It is not about required for each group, thus it may not be choseen by this session..

2- How to recall a storage data to one of questions, so the researher can compaire between the old data which is storage on excel sheel (cell) and the new data which must be entered.

Hope I explian well, wating for your ideas that make my queries answerd,


Hi @bushra
Welcome to the ODK forum. We're glad you're here. When you get a chance, please introduce yourself on this forum thread. I'd also encourage you to add a picture as your avatar because it helps build community!

I have some difficulties with understanding the problems you want to solve and assuming that since no one else has tried to help so far, means it's not easy for other users too. Could you describe your problems with samples and maybe attach a form that would help us understand everything?