Attach .csv for external selection


I am trying to add a form with support for select_one_from_file, but when converting the file on, I am unable to attach the .csv file for testing. So I get this message:

When converting it with ODK XLSForm Offline and attempting to upload the files to the server, I receive this error:

HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request

Report Status Type

Message: Problem with JavaRosa Parsing Form: org.opendatakit.aggregate.exception.ODKIncompleteSubmissionData: Javarosa failed to construct a FormDef. Is this an XForm definition?

Description: The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect.

Apache Tomcat/8.5.41.

I am testing with the files from this tutorial:

select_from_external_xlsform.xml (2.4 KB)
centers.csv (690 Bytes)
select_from_external_xlsform.xlsx (15.7 KB)


XLSForm Online isn't designed to work with forms with attachments.

Also, Aggregate is no longer being updated. Consider switching to Central. Central has built-in support for XLSForm so you don't have to use any external services to preview or use your forms.

Thanks, so, how do you convert your form xlsx to xls form when it contains select_one_from_file?

Hi @Oscar_Orozco, as @yanokwa mentioned we recommend using Central. What is your use case that requires an XForm (.xml) file?

Are you using Aggregate? Please note that Central is now the ODK server and that Aggregate is no longer being updated since May 2021.

Are you using Google Sheets? Please note that Collect will stop connecting to Google Drive/Sheets in Fall 2023.