Could not find the resource on submission

Given that you're on an old version of Central, you may be running into the same problem that Sending Forms Error 'Could not find resource you are looking for' - #3 ended up being about. In that case, there were non-ASCII characters (e.g. é) in the version string of the submission that Collect was trying to send. Do you have any of those for one of your versions?

If this is indeed the problem, I think that the Collect version currently in beta will fix this problem because it sends all submissions as UTF-8. You could try upgrading to the beta (ODK Collect v2022.3 Beta: UTF-8 submissions and default Android splash screen - #3 by LN). However, v2022.2 will not make a difference.

I also believe that @yanokwa is correct that upgrading Central would fix the issue. If you want to go in that direction, make sure you have backups, that you have several hours of scheduled downtime, and that you follow all upgrade instructions carefully.

I believe another hacky fix we had found was to create a new version in Central with non-ASCII characters in the version string escaped to HTML. So for example, if the version string is vé3, writing it as vé3 would work.

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