Cueform: Convert from cuelang to XLSForm

I'm working on a converter for cuelang files to the XLS form standard. It aims to be fully compatible with the XLS form spec. This provides a text alternative to XLS forms that's easier to deal with on most version control systems; but using cuelang gives us other benefits such as easy form reuse, scripting and much more. Here's a sample of the syntax

xlsform.#Group & {
	type: "begin group"
	name: "person_registration"
	label: en: "Person Registration"
	appearance: "field-list"
	children: [
		xlsform.#Question & {
			type: "text"
			name: "first_name"
			label: en: "First Name"
			required: "yes"
		xlsform.#Question & {
			type: "text"
			name: "last_name"
			label: en: "Last Name"
		xlsform.#Question & {
			type: "integer"
			name: "age"
			label: en: "Age"

I've included more examples of some of the things you can do with this. This is still a work in progress so feel free to provide suggestions