Thanks Achim
I will try v2.0 once again and let u know what is the error I get.
I somehow browsed and got the installer for Aggregate v.1.7.7 .
I am using
windows 10
tomcat 8.5
jdk 8
mysql 5.6( it also works with postgresql 9.2.4)
Now when I deploy the war file, the page automatically redirects to http://site/ODKAggregate/Aggregate.html.
While deploying the war and accessing the aggregate site, I use the URL as http://myIPadd:8080/ODKAggregate
At this point I have problem connecting my ODK collect app and ODK Aggregate installed on tomcat.
I have added my XML form in the ODK site after logging in. I keep the XML form for data collection in my device's internal storage.I am able to fill the form, edit it etc. When I try to select the filled form and upload it to server ( SELECT THE REQUIRED FORM AND CLICK 'send selected') , I get Error : client Protocol Exception
Please tell me what is to be given as submission url entry under general settings->server->ODKAggregate settings ?
For username I give the ODK super user username which I used to login to aggregate site and password I give the default password aggregate
Please tell me what should be given in submission URL, username, password and also the SUBMISSION ACTION value in the XML form used for data collection?
In collect app, for submission url, I give http://myIPadd:8080/ODKAggregate/submission
I give the following in XML form
Is the code of ODK COLLECT to be edited a little for the form upload to work? Because in code by default , the URL of ODKAggregate is given in ODK Aggregate settings. And the username and password are left blank.
I also disabled the 'data collector' permission for 'anonymous user' and hit save. But still I am not able to send the form.
Also tell me how to view the submissions from collect app.
As of now I am testing my app with local server, once I get the server (static IP address, I should use that URL only). Please add your points on it too.
Thanks in advance