Installation of ODK Central

Hi Friends,

I tried numerous times in Droplets one after another as suggested steps in the Documentation. But still the same issue as attached. Each time I tried, saw Unhealthy.
Please help me guys, I have to start a project fast.

What should I do to solve this and launch a fresh ODK Central server?

Kind regards,

From the central folder, run docker-compose logs --tail 100 nginx and see if you can figure out what is wrong. Usually, the problem is that Central is having problems getting an HTTPS certificate for your domain.

Hi @yanokwa,

Thanks for your response. I tried your suggestion to look intowhat had happened, but understood nothing there, seemed all was well.
However, I tried another fresh Droplet and followed all the instructions step by step, WORKED. Tried sample form and submissions an then downloaded the submitted data. Finely worked, clean data bunddled in a Zipped folder.

One issue, when in the case of creating a new web user, received no email for setting password, received non even through the process of installation from the Digital Ocean console with root user. Could you please explain what could have been happened ? And, what can the solution be?
Thanks. Kind regards,

Glad it's working, Raj. See for guidance on not receiving emails.

A post was split to a new topic: Step by step ODK Central installation on Windows 10