ODK Central live edit on submitted data (for language translation)

HI, I am encountering a problem can any one help?

We're currently conducting a research project involving 600 data instances submitted in languages other than English. To share progress with our client, we provided them with login access to the central server using our credentials. However, they're unable to comprehend the data due to the language barrier and have requested real-time translation to English directly on the server.

Previously, we addressed this by downloading the data as a CSV, translating it offline, and sending the cleaned version to the client. However, this approach is no longer tenable due to the need for live translation on the server itself.

We sincerely request your assistance in implementing a solution for real-time language translation within the central server environment.

There's nothing built into Central for this yet. If you have some technical capacity, you can script it using an approach like one I shared for audio transcription. Instead of using the Whisper library from that example, you could consider a library like LibreTranslate. The most appropriate library will depend on your source and target languages.

We'd love to learn more about what you're working on. When you have a moment, please say hi in the introduction thread.