ODK Central v2024.3 - Offline Entities, submission deletes, and faster form uploads

As the year draws to a close, we reflect on all the useful features introduced in ODK Central so far, but we’re not done yet! We’re thrilled to announce another major update to Central, packed with features many of you have been waiting for. :tada:

What's new

:sparkles: Offline Entities are here
Offline Entities are now enabled for all Forms so your enumerators can create and update Entities on their devices while offline. All changes are synchronized when devices come back online.

:warning: Once you upgrade, use of Entities will require ODK Collect v2024.3 or later. Old versions of Collect will not download Entity-enabled Forms until you upgrade from the Play Store.

:wastebasket: Delete and undelete Submissions
You can now delete Submissions from the Submissions table or the Submissions detail page. Deleted Submissions will remain in the Trash for 30 days, during which you can undelete them. After 30 days, they will be permanently removed.
slow delete 2

:mag_right: More detail when hovering on Forms, Submissions, and Entities
When you hover over any link for a Form, Submission, or Entity, a summary card will appear to make it easier to learn more at a glance.
Slow hover

:rocket: Large and complex forms upload in seconds
XLSForms with thousands of questions and complex logic now only take a few seconds to upload. If they don't, email your form to support@getodk.org so we can help.

:compass: Improved testing and navigation experience
We've improved the Drafts page to make it easier to test forms on a mobile device or in a browser. We've also simplified navigation throughout Central's user interface.

:arrows_counterclockwise: Show choices from dynamic Entity Lists in Web Forms
The Web Forms preview in Central can now use data from dynamic Entity Lists or static data files. Wherever there is a Preview button, press and hold the W and F keys to give the new preview a try.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: We have also made 30+ fixes and enhancements that make Central more enjoyable to use. See the release notes for details.

How to get these improvements?

If you are using Central on ODK Cloud, we'll be rolling out these updates in the coming days. If you are self-hosting Central, follow the upgrade instructions.

What’s next

Thanks to all of you who have shared your feedback and contributed to this release!

In the next year, we'll continue improving the user interface and adding more features to Entities. See more of what we have planned at getodk.org/roadmap.


ODK Central v2024.3.1 is now available. It includes the following changes:

  • Fix S3 handling of NULL blob.contentType values
  • Fix Entity hover card overflow issue

ODK Central v2024.3.2 is now available. It includes the following changes:

  • Add Portuguese translations (thanks to @rfvieira, @tiagomiotto and team!)
  • Update Enketo to 7.5.1
    • Fixes a bug when browser uses a locale that doesn't have translations