ODK Collect v2025.1.0 Beta: summary view rework

We're going to kick 2025 off with a smaller release, currently projected for early February! This will give us a chance to make some small improvements immediately available while we also lay the groundwork for edits of submissions on device and showing media in the summary view.

Why we do betas

ODK Collect betas are an opportunity to get community feedback on upcoming releases. If you have an ongoing data collection campaign, we recommend quickly verifying your form on a test device. We will keep sharing new betas as we respond to your feedback and will let you know when the beta is a release candidate.

Joining the beta program

To join the beta program, find ODK Collect in the Play Store on your device (not in the web browser) and scroll all the way down. Please don't join the beta with a device or account actively used for data collection! In particular, note that joining the beta is account-based. If you use the same Google account across multiple devices, do not join the beta with that account.

Leaving the beta program

You can leave the beta program from the bottom of the Play Store listing at any time. Once you leave, you will get the next production update when it is released. If you need to go back to the previous production release, uninstall and reinstall the app. Please make sure to back up or submit any important data.

What to check in this release

  • :repeat: Improved repeat dialog when no repeat label is specified. Thanks to @karntrehan!
  • :card_index_dividers: Replaced the arrow icon used to access the form summary view with a table of contents icon.
  • :bookmark_tabs: Rewrote the summary view code, so please verify that it works with complex forms if you rely on it.
  • :scroll: Added logging to get more information about crashes. If you get an out of memory crash or see Collect hang, please share your form and information about any attached Entity Lists or CSVs.
  • :art: Removed theme setting

Additional testing
You can find a full list of changes in the release notes:

Thanks to all testers for your help!


Great work there. I'll surely be an early tester on these important features. Recently when working on multiple forms within a projects I realized I had a lot of drafts and submissions on "ready to send" as well on "sent" folder in odk collect. I am just thinking if there is a possibility to group form instances by form names for ease of accessability. Sometimes we save form instance with the save instance name for two difference forms eg registration form and follow up form, and this causes a lot of confusion when searching for the ones in the registration to edit/finalize. Can this feature be made possible in upcoming release?

Sorry, but why not adapt/change the form name? (Naming formula might know which form is used.)

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@Stephen_K_ojwang thanks for the suggestion! I agree with @wroos that using a standard prefix or suffix for the different actions or forms would be a good approach with the functionality available today. You can see examples of this in this household registration form or this create or update example.

I find that search then works well for seeing just the submissions related to a specific entity. Notice that I've used lowercase "entity" here -- this concept applies to forms that use ODK Entities but also to those that simply reference a specific real-world entity/thing.

It would be helpful to know a little bit more about your workflow. It sounds like you save both registration and follow up as drafts and then finalize them later, is that right? Why do you start a follow-up before finalizing the registration? Are you using Entities? Does this lookup need to happen for every instance? The more detail you can provide about when you are looking for a specific instance the more likely we are to be able to come up with an appropriate solution.

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Just a quick response for what I can test relevant to the forms I use...

I like the 'table of contents' icon!

For repeat groups, I've always added a label, so don't have a test case. However, the 'Cancel' option is more consistent than 'Do not add' and this works well. There's still a slight clunkiness for adding new repeats if you need to come back to them. A use case: I use a repeat for adding images in different locations as a survey progresses, but in parallel I am collecting other details, and the repeat is in the middle of the form. So when I want to add a new photo I have to navigate back to the right point. This might now be more intuitive to use the 'ToC' icon and navigate that way, so I'll try and see - it's been a tricky one for new enumerators, teaching them about the jump menu when they are struggling to drive ODK basics...

Wasn't sure what the summary view code changes were, so didn't know what to look at specifically, but my 'complex forms' with groups and repeats still appear as expected in summary view and I can navigate up and down the levels fine.
