ODK Use in Emergency Relief, Spanish Red Cross Case Study

Pleased to share a short case study discussing ODK use in emergency and disaster relief. Below is a snippet from the report.

Data Collection in Emergency Relief: The Spanish Red Cross Case Study

The Spanish Red Cross deployed Open Data Kit (ODK) to collect data on their sanitation response in Kalikasthan, Nepal after the earthquake; map out water distribution points in Haiti in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew; and establish a health registration system during the European migration crisis in Greece, among other places.

ODK has helped several organizations collect valuable data to inform such lifesaving and time sensitive interventions. In the recent refugee crisis in Europe, for example, several migrants had no known medical records. Tracking and treating diseases is crucial to ensure the health of refugees and communities around them.

"ODK helped me collect data about our patients, common diseases, treatment, [and] vaccines,” said one official working with the SpRC in Greece.

ODK_Spanish_Red_Cross_Case_Study_Dec_2017.pdf (405.4 KB)