ODK XLSForm Template

Many of you have asked for an XLSForm template that brings together the community's best form design techniques and is kept up-to-date by the core team. Here it is! :rocket:

Whether you're a long time ODKer or new to form design, here are five reasons why you'll love this template:

:pray:t5: Helpful hints about each column

See screenshot

Thoughtful hints about each column

:keyboard: Types and appearances autocomplete as you type

See screenshot

Types and appearances autocomplete as you type

:sparkles: Groups and repeats highlighted for easier navigation

See screenshot

:books: Cheatsheets right where you need them

See screenshot

:hammer_and_pick: Powerful techniques at your fingertips

See screenshot

Give the template a try, and if you have ideas for improvements, please share them!

P.S. You can add this document to your templates in Google Sheets or Excel to make it easier to find.


Thank you for all the wonderful feedback on the XLSForm template!

We also thought it would be helpful to have a video tutorial –– open the tutorial and template resources and follow along :popcorn:

Let us know what you think. If you have ideas for other learning resources you would like to see, please let us know in the comments!