I really appreciate everyone who has filled in missing translations! v2023.2 is now out and we have made a first point release to include newly-updated languages, too.
Thanks to:
- @Saad for Urdu. What an amazing push to get all missing strings updated!
- @erigmac for Indonesian. Many people said they needed it so that was definitely impactful!
- @mathieubossaert for French. Thanks for considering my feedback, too!
- @aurdipas for Italian
- Translators for Czech, German, Finnish, Portuguese and Spanish who I can't find here on the forum. Let us know if that was you!
It would be amazing to get a few more languages with at least the new landing screen buttons updated!
@Iddy_Chazua, your previously helped lead such an amazing push on Swahili, maybe someone could get that main screen looking good by translating the first few strings here?
@TobiasMcNulty you recently helped improve things for RTL languages, maybe you know someone who could translate the first few strings here?
@arqaam it looks like you've contributed to Farsi, maybe you could take on the main menu strings here?
Thanks, everyone!