Required_message fields won't work anymore


I use XLSForms and I have a column titled required_message where I put customized message to interviewers in case they skip a question. This used to work fine but since yesterday, it does not anymore. I get this error message for every questions with a required_message no matter the type of question it is.

Error: ODK Validate Errors:
XForm Parse Warning: Warning: 1 Unrecognized attributes found in Element [bind] and will be ignored: [requiredMsg] Location:

Problem found at nodeset: /html/head/model/bind
With element <bind requiredMsg="Initials are required" nodeset="${interviewer_initials}" required="true()" type="string"/>

Problem found at nodeset: /html/head/model/bind
With element <bind requiredMsg="Initials are required" nodeset="${interviewer_initials}" required="true()" type="string"/>

Yesterday I tried changing the title of my column to RequiredMsg. It worked for 24h and then it does not work any more (I get the same error message as above).

Thanks for helping me!

Which tool are you using to convert your XLSForm to XForm?

The column name should be required_message as you had it before. Note that these are just warnings (which @daveycrockett has just fixed!) so your form should still be successfully converted. Have you tried using it?

Thank you Hélène,

I use the convert on this page

I just tried converting my form and it did work. The errors are now warnings as you said.

A post was split to a new topic: Pyxform not using custom required message