Alas! I'll be in flight during this time. I'm keenly interested in this topic, though, and looking forward to finding out how this discussion goes. If there is any useful way for non-attendees to contribute, I'd be glad to know (e.g. doing the pre-meeting widget exercise and putting our feedback in a document?)
@zestyping I suppose if you have a high-level idea of how we can make the UI more consistent and a plan for getting there, writing that up and sharing it here would be amazing. If it's more than a paragraph or two, then a link to a Google Doc would be good and I'll make sure attendees get a chance to read through said document before the call.
I'm also hoping this is the first of a series of calls to clean up the UI in Collect, so there will be other chances.
@yanokwa I've done a quick review and written up my notes here. I don't have a plan for moving forward yet, but I've included a few personal recommendations with my observations. I hope this starts some helpful or interesting conversations!
As far as next steps, we'll be reviving the Collect UI/UX project board at and putting together plan of attack that takes on the low-hanging feedback from Pivotal and Ping.