Update Online Validator - to allow Entitity feature

1. What is the issue?
When will the online validator be updated to allow entity feature, please.
At the moment (version October 2, 2023), you get the error: 'dataset'. (Until you remove/rename the bind column and the entity sheet).?

2. What steps can we take to reproduce this issue?
Upload example form Tree Registration: Problem with Trees Registration Example "The XLSForm could not be converted: 'dataset'"

3. What have you tried to fix the issue?
Removed or _renamed the bind column and the entity sheet.

4. Upload any forms or screenshots you can share publicly below.
See 2.

It's now up-to-date.

There was a bug in the upgrade script. Thanks for reporting this issue, @wroos.

Unfortunately, the last modified web page date didn't change (stiill October, 02).

Hmm. Where are you seeing that date? There shouldn't be any date associated with XLSForm Online because we automatically deploy the latest code.

In the info view of the page.

Don't trust everything you find on the Internet :grinning:

That's the modified date of the page that the XLSForm Online app is embedded in. The app itself is updated every few weeks as we make changes to pyxform.