Did you know you can change your username here on the ODK Forum? You may want to do this especially if your username was created automatically by being imported from the old Google Groups.
For example, I was set up as Michael_Downey but wanted to change to @downey to be more consistent with my other ID's elsewhere.
Hi @downey, would you know how to change our username if we don't see the button? Similar to you, I am trying to change mine from Marc_Abbyad to just abbyad.
Our plan was to lock down usernames for existing users a few weeks after the migration because changing usernames breaks @mentions across the site. It's been three weeks, so we've locked them down.
New users (those who have never sent messages to the ODK lists) have three days to change their username after they create a new account.
Existing users can request username changes from admins. The decision hinges on how much they've been @mentioned. Marc hasn't been @mentioned, so I've made the change for him.