Hello friends!
I managed to read ODK Central Dataset from RStudio using the ruODK package. I could create an R Notebook to perform basic analysis on data-points. Have attached the entire notebook in Word format for your reference.
The notebook contains all code-blocks too!
Hope this helps all ODK Central users with basic analysis of data - live from the server
CentralGetData-NoteBook.docx (203.0 KB)
Nice work! Mind that you've got credentials in that document, best to rotate those.
https://docs.ropensci.org/ruODK/articles/setup.html shows how to securely configure ruODK.
Some worked examples are also at https://docs.ropensci.org/ruODK/articles/odata-api.html for the fastest path to your data, and https://docs.ropensci.org/ruODK/articles/spatial.html to get started with the three spatial data types in ODK.
Thank you Florian_May!
Have removed the credentials now!
Also, thanks for the security configuration!
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