As @Florian_May's showcase, the background of this is about turtle monitoring, but in France, and not about a marine species. In fact Caretta caretta is back on the french Mediterranean beaches since 2018 but does not yet required a heavy monitoring with ODK and authorities try to keep breeding places confident.
The turtle we study here is a small one, living in fresh water, called Emys Orbicularis. It is fun that I spend 2 years working on it 20 years ago just before I met computer sciences and became a GIS admin.
To monitor local populations, we put traps on the field the first day and days 2, 3 and 4 we catch turtles in the traps.
Once captured, if the individual is already marked we take some measurements, if not we mark it first.
Last few week @Vivian_Inereli developed a dedicated form she'll maybe expose here...
What came up in the discussion with "turtle collectors" is the fact that traps are moved every week and located on a map.
The user simply note the trap number on the paper when he catch a turtle.
We purposed to manage traps deployment with an ODK form.
Once that form OK we wanted to adapt this test and make it automated as possible.
So let's go.
We developed 2 forms :
- CMR_Cistude_pose_pieges wich is used to place the traps
- and CMR_Cistude_captures wich is used to really monitor trapped individuals (96,7 Ko)
CMR_Cistude_pose_pieges.xlsx (13,1 Ko)
All SQL queries below are ran in our "Organization" database. Nothing happens on Central's database.
We use a cron task (each day at 10 PM) to run queries below.
We use central2pg functions, located in the data_from_central schema to get fresh data about traps :
SELECT data_from_central.data_from_central_to_pg(
'CMR_Cistude_pose_pieges', -- form ID
'data_from_central', -- schema where to create tables and store data
'point,point_auto' -- columns to ignore in json transformation to database attributes (geojson fields of GeoWidgets)
We created a view called cmr_cistude_pose_pieges_session_courante that returns only traps from the last (max) date.
We COPY the result TO a geojson file, somewhere postgres linux user can write.
At the moment we run that query even if there is no new trap.
WITH places AS (
SELECT id_piege, label, value, geometry
FROM data_from_central.cmr_cistude_pose_pieges_session_courante
'type', 'FeatureCollection',
'features', json_agg(ST_AsGeoJSON(t.*)::json)
FROM places AS t
) to '/home/postgres/medias_odk/pieges.geojson';
We implement an informative version number for the form, containing the year concatenate to the number of the day in the year (DOY) coded on 3 chars and completed with '0' its the left.
concat(extract(YEAR FROM date_max),lpad(extract(DOY FROM date_max)::text,3,'0'))
We compare the current form version to the hypothetical newer one. If the "hypothetical" one is greater than the current one, we create a new draft.
To do so and following steps, we added new functions to central2pg set of functions.
SELECT data_from_central.create_draft('my_login','my_password','my.central.fdqn',5,'CMR_Cistude_captures')
FROM data_from_central.cmr_cistude_pose_pieges_session_courante
WHERE concat(extract(YEAR FROM date_max),lpad(extract(doy FROM date_max)::text,3,'0')) > data_from_central.get_form_version('my_login','my_password','my.central.fdqn',5,'CMR_Cistude_captures')
Once the draft is created, we push the fresh geojson as a form attachment to the draft.
-> to be done : such a function need to be written for csv or this one need to be adapted.
SELECT data_from_central.push_media_to_central('my_login','my_password','my.central.fdqn',5,'CMR_Cistude_captures', '/home/postgres/medias_odk', 'pieges.geojson')
FROM data_from_central.cmr_cistude_pose_pieges_session_courante
WHERE concat(extract(YEAR FROM date_max),lpad(extract(doy FROM date_max)::text,3,'0'))::integer > data_from_central.get_form_version('my_login','my_password','my.central.fdqn',5,'CMR_Cistude_captures')::integer
And then publish the new version
SELECT data_from_central.publish_form_version('my_login','my_password','my.central.fdqn',5,
'CMR_Cistude_captures', concat(extract(YEAR FROM date_max),lpad(extract(doy FROM date_max)::text,3,'0'))::integer )
FROM data_from_central.cmr_cistude_pose_pieges_session_courante
WHERE concat(extract(YEAR FROM date_max),lpad(extract(doy FROM date_max)::text,3,'0')) > data_from_central.get_form_version('my_login','my_password','my.central.fdqn',5,'CMR_Cistude_captures')